Coca-Cola intr-un loc neasteptat

Am gasit aceasta elegie pentru Coca Cola in toaleta de la Osteria Francescana. Mirare si amuzament… Nu puteai sa comanzi coca cola in acest restaurant, dar ce cauta aceasta poezie in baie??? Nu cred ca era pe post de reclama, in restaurantul no.6 in lume nu au reclame in baie ca la noi la mall…arta maybe?

Oricum mi-a placut foarte tare (prietenii stiu de ce πŸ™‚ ) si mai ales ca am gasit-o intr-un astfel de loc.

“A cold coke on the rocks is like a drug for me. I long for one than have relief after I get one…and nothing else will do…just coke classic…I guess there are worse things to be hooked on…I am lucky it is coke classic…even though coka cola is a biologic product the uniformity of coca cola is incredible. And I appreicate that every time I open a coke I know exectly what I am getting…

Coke in a basket? Why not? In a glass, a bottle, or a cup for that matter. Coca-Cola has the taste you never get tired of. That’s why things go better with Coke after Coke after Coke.

If I ever opened a coke classic that was bad or spoiled in some way, thenΒ I would lose fatith in a lot of things, coke classic is a barometer of things being OK. It is a port in a storm in 1992…the consistency of coke is reliable and something we can count on in at time we can’t count on too much…coke it is…thank you”

Btw, anul asta Coca Cola implineste 123 ani πŸ™‚


One thought on “Coca-Cola intr-un loc neasteptat

  1. S

    In 1985 a avut loc un rebranding al marcii Coca-Cola si au numit-o “New Coke” – lucru care s-a dovedit a fi o greseala imensa de marketing, vanzarile au scazut etc. Prin urmare (in 1992) a fost reintrodusa, la presiunea consumatorilor, marca Coca-Cola si au numit-o “Coca-Cola Classic” ca in posterul de aici πŸ™‚
    Deci, cred ca are valoare istorica πŸ™‚

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